Six-Figure Domination

Your Personalized Marketing Funnel Built To Take Your Service-Based Business To Consistent Six Figures and Beyond

Let's make a splash

I know you’re a boss.


Your ma knows you’re the best thing since sliced bread.
Your best friend raves about your genius.
But you’re also the best-kept secret in your niche.
Let’s change that.


Maybe for you, it shows up like this…

  • You get referrals but are not in control of when you get sales
  • If you’re not inspired, your marketing grinds to a halt
  • You have sales calls with bad-fit prospects that don’t see your value
  • You don’t really have a plan beyond ‘I should post on social media this week’
  • You’re consistently getting clients but you want to get to six figures in revenue
  • You have no freaking clue where to start
I’m sorry but you’re too badass to be hidden away and with just a little bit of help, you don’t have to be.

You have everything you need to create a

six-figure funnel

You just need help getting it all set up.
When you have a six-figure funnel built and running for you, your business transforms and I’m not just talking about seeing ‘cha-ching’ messages from Stripe.

Your calendar is more expansive, leaving time to plot, plan and dream about your next moves or how to serve your clients better.

Your energy is freed up to infuse your business and your client work with more creativity than you were spending on marketing or squandering on feeling bad about your lack of marketing.

Your positioning in your space will be rock solid creating a foundation for you to settle in as a true thought leader.

Also, you’ll get recognized at the grocery store but whatever. Just tell people you’re not signing autographs today. 😎

You’re *just* a few clicks away from a six-figure producing, brand-building and lead-generating marketing system

The Done-For-You Marketing System Built To Take Your Service-Based Business To Consistent 6 Figures

The Six-Figure Niche Dominator includes everything you need to achieve a six-figure marketing system that is up and running for you:


Personality-Oozing Content

Build your brand by showcasing your biggest asset. You, I’m talking about you. So much content is bland and lacking in authenticity. We get to know you and create content and videos that showcase the you behind the accolades and designations.

Tech Set Up

We are building it all out for you, putting all the customized pieces in place and showing you how to confidently take the reigns.

Ongoing Support for Success

We are all about delivering value and setting your funnel up for you and then disappearing into the night wouldn’t do that. We stay on to consult bi-weekly and then monthly to ensure everything is optimized and firing.

The investment

$8,500+appliacable taxes or 2 monthly payments of $4,297

Are you ready to get a steady flow of leads for six-figure success?!

>> APPLY NOW! <<

Hi, I’m Carly Martin!

I’m Carly Martin, the creative force behind Hawthorne House Media.

At my boutique agency, we’re not just about boosting brands and getting leads; we’re in the business of turning our 1:1 clients into the superstars of their industries.

I’m super excited to unleash Six-Figure Domination on the world to help service providers get a strategic, consistent client magnet machine working tirelessly toward their business growth.

I’ve noticed a common dilemma among brilliant service providers: incredible skills but a struggle to showcase them to the world. That’s where Six-Figure Domination swoops in! To rescue service providers from the clutches of marketing complexities, confusion and inaction.

But here’s the kicker – even if you’ve already hit the six-figure milestone, congratulations, by the way! – Six-Figure Domination is your turbocharged jetpack to the next level. If you’ve blasted past six figures without all these marketing pieces in place, imagine what adding this dynamic strategy could do for you!

It’s not just about hitting six figures; it’s about launching yourself into the stratosphere of your industry.

Let’s turn your service-based business into a sensation together – because who said marketing can’t be a blast?!